
How to Clean Face With Face Wash Effectively?

How to Clean Face With Face Wash Effectively?

If you’re wondering how to properly wash your face, you’ve come to the right place. Thorough skin cleansing is important to wash away dirt, dead skin cells, makeup, and more. And, depending on the cleanser you use, it can also help treat skin conditions. specific, such as acne. How to clean face with face wash properly? Read on to discover the dos and don’ts of washing your face properly as advised by dermatologists.

Why should you wash your face often?

A 2017 survey by skincare brand CeraVe found that 80% of Americans make at least one or more common mistakes when washing their faces – for example, more than half of us neglect to wash our faces before going out. sleep. There are actually a lot of benefits to washing your face properly. Thorough skin cleansing is important to wash away dirt, dead skin cells, makeup, and anything else that can clog your pores or cause an overall dull complexion. Additionally, depending on the cleanser you employ, it may aid in the treatment of particular skin issues like acne.

Plus, washing your face is key to getting rid of dead cells that build up on your skin and contribute to dullness- get rid of these cells and you’ll have healthier, more radiant skin. You can use the routine to wash your face at different times of the day, depending on your schedule, but in general, the morning when you wake up and the evening before bed are the best times to wash your face. wash one’s face. Wash your face every night at the absolute least.

Why should you wash your face often?

How to clean face with face wash?

Remove makeup from the skin

This is the first step you should take before washing your face. Removes makeup to minimize clogging of pores. If you wear light makeup, just using a mild makeup remover is enough. On the contrary, if you have heavy makeup, you need to use an oil-based cleanser to wash it off more effectively. If you have acne-prone or oily skin, use a water-based (instead of oil-based) makeup remover to avoid clogging your pores.

Use the right face wash

What is face wash? In essence, it is soap designed especially for facial skin. When looking for a suitable cleanser, you’ll want to consider your skin type. If your skin tends to be dry or sensitive, then a gentle or creamy cleanser is the best choice. People with oily skin can use gel or foam cleansers. And for those with normal skin, a water-based cleanser will work best.

No matter your skin type, for daily cleansing, choose a fragrance-free and alcohol-free cleanser. Using too strong a cleanser can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to breakouts and dryness. If you are unsure of your skin type, use a gentle cleanser or consult a dermatologist so you can purchase the most helpful skin care products.

How to clean face with face wash?

Wet skin with warm water

Use warm water to gently wet the skin. Hot water strips your skin of its natural oils, and cold water doesn’t remove dirt as effectively. Start by washing your hands for about 20 seconds to prevent bacteria from transferring from your fingers to your face. Turn the faucet on to a higher than room temperature, then splash water on your face.

Use your fingers to apply cleanser to your skin

Take an appropriate amount of cleanser on your hands, then rub your palms together to create a lather. Rub cleanser all over the face, including cheeks, nose, forehead, chin and jawline for about 10 seconds. Avoid washing your face too hard or for too long – especially if your cleanser contains any exfoliating ingredients, it can quickly cause redness, irritation, and rashes.

Dry with a clean towel

Use warm water again and splash it on your face to wash off the cleanser. Take a clean towel and pat your skin dry, trying not to rub it hard on your face. Note to use a clean towel because otherwise, it will bring bacteria into the skin causing clogged pores.

Dry with a clean towel

To balance out skin tone, use a toner

Using a toner is completely optional and not everyone needs one in their skincare routine. However, using a toner can help even out your skin tone. Besides, toner also works to reset the pH of your skin and protect it from the harmful effects of bacteria. Many toners have anti-aging properties. Pour a pea-sized amount on a cotton ball and gently apply it to the skin immediately after cleansing.

Use moisturizer

Most moisturizers contain both a humectant (which helps draw water into the skin) and a humectant (which helps keep the skin moist). So, applying moisturizer while the skin is still slightly damp after washing- not completely wet will help retain even more moisture. Find a moisturizer that works for your skin type, then apply the moisturizer all over your skin with your fingertips.

Use moisturizer


Through this article, you probably already know how to clean face with face wash, right? Cleansing is an essential step in your daily skincare routine. Knowing how to properly wash your face will help you keep your skin fresh and radiant. If you have any inquiries, speak to your dermatologist.

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